Friday 10 April 2015

City of Light

If a City resident and a Rural resident look up to the sky what would they see? The rural resident will see the millions of stars in our universe, and maybe see some planets if they know what to look for. The city resident on the other hand will only see a bright sky. This is know as Photo-pollution or Light Pollution. Light Pollution is the over illumination of an area that is considered obtrusive. The city of Port of Spain before 2000 there were only one buildings that stood out in the city's skyline and it was only lit by street lights and the buildings internal lights. Now there are many tall buildings and the city is bright enough that it can be seen from space. 

With these bright lights, Port of Spain has become the city that doesn't sleep with various activities occurring all through the night. For example, Ariapita Avenue and St. James have been the hub for nightlife in the city. With all these activities, residents who reside in the city are affected when they go to sleep at night as it may feel as if it is still day. The brightness of all the lights coupled with the "nightlife" can cause many residents to have difficulty relaxing and enjoying a proper night's sleep. Additionally the brightness of the city affects many animals most of whom are pets as they may endure the same conditions and suffer from a lack of sleep, making them irritable during the day which can be a driving force to the dog attacks recently. 

In 2013 Trinidad and Tobago suffered a nationwide blackout caused by a natural gas supply failure to the power plants. This nationwide power outage was the first time in years that Port of Spain city residents was able to view the stars and astronomical constellations in the sky because it was not obstructed by the many city lights which drown out the incoming light from the stars.
In my opinion, one can not stop the growing influence of the urban area and therefore the increasing photo-pollution is not going to be reduced any time in the near future because of it's influence to business and the economy. So the only way to escape it is to move away from it or turn your home into a soundproof, light blocking building.


"Discover Trinidad | Discover Trinidad & Tobago Travel Guide | Discover Trinidad & Tobago Travel Guide." Discover Trinidad & Tobago Travel Guide. Accessed April 9, 2015.

Kowlessar, Geisha. "Three major blackouts in three years." Guardian, March 30, 2013. Accessed April 9, 2015.

"Switch off the Lights - Trinidad & Tobago Online." Trinidad & Tobago Online. Accessed April 9, 2015.

"Types of Pollution." LoveToKnow. Accessed April 9, 2015.

"Urban Light Pollution: Why We're All Living with Permanent 'mini Jetlag' | Cities | The Guardian." The Guardian. Accessed April 9, 2015.

"What is Light Pollution?" Globe at Night. Accessed April 9, 2015.

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